Should I Polish My Bowling Ball?

Should I Polish My Bowling Ball? As a bowler, you always look for ways to improve your game. One question that bowlers often ask is whether or not they should polish their bowling balls. While there are benefits to polishing your ball, it’s essential to understand how it can affect your game. You’ll be able to read on to learn more about the pros and cons of polishing your bowling ball.

Should I Polish My Bowling Ball?

Polishing your bowling ball can be beneficial in several ways. By polishing your bowling ball, you can reduce friction between the ball and the lane, enabling it to slide more efficiently and improve accuracy.

Additionally, since a polished bowling ball’s surface facilitates better lift from fingers and thumbholes, this can help to create more excellent spin and hook potential.

Some bowlers also believe polishing their bowling balls may produce an eye-catching sheen that can appeal to passers-by or spectators. Generally speaking, however, unless your ball has been used over time to create scratches on the lane, polishing is usually optional for you to play or compete successfully.

The Pros and Cons of Polishing Your Bowling Ball

For avid bowlers, having a well-polished bowling ball is essential for getting those strikes. A polished ball will slide more smoothly on the lane, reducing friction and giving you a better chance at hitting those pins.

The Pros of Polishing Your Bowling Ball

There are plenty of good reasons to polish your bowling ball. For one, it can prolong the life of your ball. By reducing the amount of friction on the ball’s surface, you’re also reducing wear and tear. This means that your ball will last longer and perform at a high level for longer. Additionally, polishing your ball can improve your game. A polished ball will have less friction on the lane, traveling faster and straighter. This gives you a better chance at making those crucial strikes. 

The Cons of Polishing Your Bowling Ball

However, there are also some drawbacks to polishing your bowling ball. First of all, it’s important to do just what is necessary. If you polish your ball too much, it will become too slick and decrease your performance. Secondly, polishing your ball too often can also shorten its lifespan. So, how often should you polish your bowling ball? Once every few weeks or so should suffice. 

Whether or not to polish your bowling ball is a personal decision every bowler must make for themselves. Some bowlers prefer the feel of a freshly polished ball, while others prefer the slightly rougher feel of an unpolished one. Ultimately, it’s up to you to experiment and see what works best for you. However, if you choose to polish your bowling ball, be sure not to overdo it – a little goes a long way when polishing it!

The Importance of Polishing Your Bowling Ball

As a bowler, you know that having a polished ball is essential. A shiny ball can help you achieve a more consistent shot and make your ball last longer. But how do you polish your ball? In this blog post, we’ll walk you through the process of polishing your bowling ball so that you can get the most out of your game. 

  1. Start by cleaning your ball with a soft cloth and some warm water. This will remove any dirt or debris that could damage your ball during the polishing process. 
  2. Next, apply a small amount of bowling ball polish to your ball. We recommend using a microfiber cloth to avoid any scratches. 
  3. Rub the polish into the ball in a circular motion until the entire surface is covered. 
  4. Let the polish sit on the ball for 5-10 minutes so that it has time to work its magic. 
  5. Rinse the ball off with warm water and dry it with a soft cloth. 
  6. Repeat this once weekly to keep your ball in top condition. 

Caring for your bowling ball is essential to being a successful bowler. Regularly polishing your ball can extend its life and improve your game. I’d like you to please follow the steps outlined in this blog post to make sure your ball is always in peak condition. 

Polishing Your Bowling Ball – Does it Make a Difference?

Blog Introduction: As a long-time bowler, I’ve tried many things to improve my game. I’ve changed my grip, stance, release point – you name it, I’ve probably tried it. But I never thought polishing my bowling ball would make a difference. How could something like that have an impact on my game? Well, as it turns out, it can actually make quite a difference. Here’s what I’ve learned about polishing your bowling ball and how it can help improve your game.

The Importance of Surface Friction

One of the biggest benefits of polishing your bowling ball is that it can increase the amount of surface friction between the ball and the lane. This increased friction can help the ball hook more and make it easier to control. If you’re struggling with your accuracy or finding it difficult to get the ball to hook when you want it to, then polishing your ball may be just what you need to take your game to the next level. 

Another benefit of increased surface friction is that it can help reduce skid length. Skid length is the distance the ball travels before it starts to hook. By reducing skid length, you can increase your chances of hitting the pocket and picking up some strikes. If you’re looking for a way to improve your accuracy and score, reducing skid length is a great start. 

Improved Durability

In addition to helping improve your game, polishing your bowling ball can also extend its lifespan. Over time, the surface of your ball will become rougher and more porous due to oil buildup and dirt/debris accumulation. This can impact not only the performance of your ball but also its aesthetics. Polishing your ball regularly will help remove this build-up and keep your ball looking and performing like new for longer. 

Can You Use Polish on A Bowling Ball?

Yes, bowling ball polish is available in both spray and liquid forms and is designed to clean and protect the surface of a bowling ball. Most polishes contain a silicone-based lubricant that helps reduce friction between the ball and the lane, allowing for a longer roll. It is generally recommended that polish be applied every few games to maintain optimal performance.

Why Do Bowlers Polish Their Balls?

Polishing a ball can reduce wear on the ball, hence the number of times the ball needs to be replaced during a game. In addition, a polished ball will travel further than an unpolished one.

What Is the Best Way to Polish a Bowling Ball?

Different polishes are designed for different types of bowling balls. There are three main categories of polish: speed, reactive, and hybrid. 

Speed polish is used on polyester bowling balls. It makes the ball slick and promotes more incredible speed of the fingers. Reactive polish is used on pearl and particle bowling balls. It helps to create more friction between the ball and the lane, providing more backspin and control. Hybrid polish is a combination of speed and reactive polishes, and it is used on urethane bowling balls. 

To polish a bowling ball, apply the polish to a cloth or sponge and rub it into the ball until it is completely covered. Then use another cloth or sponge to buff it until it is shiny. After polishing, allow the ball to sit for at least an hour before using it again.

Polishing your bowling ball can have a tremendous impact on your game. It can increase surface friction, reduce skid length, and improve the durability of your ball. Whether you’re looking for more accuracy or want to ensure your ball is in top condition, polishing can help you achieve those goals.

Can I Use Turtle Wax on My Bowling Ball?

While Turtle Wax is a popular car wax, it is not recommended for use on bowling balls. There are specific products made for this purpose, and using an incorrect wax can cause damage to the ball’s surface.

What Can I Use at Home to Polish My Bowling Ball?

There are a variety of products that can be used to polish a bowling ball at home. Some people use automotive polishes, while others prefer products designed explicitly for bowling balls. It is essential to make sure that the product you choose is safe for use on plastic surfaces, and it is recommended that you test the product in a small, inconspicuous area before applying it to the entire ball.


Polishing your bowling ball can significantly improve the performance and durability of your ball. It can reduce skid length, increase surface friction, and extend the ball’s lifespan. When selecting a polish, it is essential to choose one specifically designed for bowling balls – using an incorrect product can cause damage to the surface of your ball. You can ensure that your ball is always in the best condition and ready for peak performance with suitable polish.