What do bowling alleys do with old balls?

What do bowling alleys do with old balls? Bowling alleys usually recycle old balls into new balls. A ball is recycled by grinding it down and reforming it into a new ball. Recycling a bowling ball is expensive, so most bowling alleys will only recycle it if it is severely damaged and unplayable.

Donating Bowling Balls – The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

You may have heard that you can donate bowling balls to charity. But what does that mean, exactly? In this blog post, we’ll take a close look at the pros and cons of donating bowling balls so that you can make an informed decision about whether or not it’s the right thing for you to do.

The Good: 

There are a few good reasons to donate bowling balls. First, it’s a great way to eliminate any balls you no longer use or need. Second, it’s a nice gesture to donate to a charitable cause. And finally, some organizations will put the bowling balls to good use – for example, by using them as weights in physical therapy exercises.

The Bad: 

However, there are also some potential drawbacks to donating bowling balls. First, many organizations will recycle or sell the balls as scrap metal. So if you’re looking to donate your balls to help others, research an organization that will put them to good use. Second, bowling balls can be expensive so you may get little of a tax deduction for your donation. Finally, if you don’t clean your ball before donating it, you could pass on germs and bacteria to whoever receives it. 

The Ugly: 

And then there are the stories that fall between the good and the bad. For example, one woman donated her late husband’s bowling ball to charity…only to have it returned to her a few months later with a note saying, “this ball smells.” Ouch! So if you decide to donate your ball (or balls), give them a good cleaning first. 

So should you donate your old bowling ball (or balls) to charity? There are pros and cons to consider before making your decision. But ultimately, it’s up to you. If you have any questions or concerns, talk to your local charity or bowling alley before taking the plunge!

How and Where to Sell Used Bowling Balls Locally 

The first step in selling your used bowling balls is gathering them in one place. Once you have them all together, look at each one and assess its condition. If any of the balls are cracked or otherwise damaged, those will be more difficult to sell and may only be suitable for scrap. But if most of your balls are in good condition, you can start listing them for sale!

The next step is to decide where you want to sell your used bowling balls. You could list them on Craigslist or Facebook Marketplace or take them to a local pawn shop or consignment store. Each option has pros and cons, so choosing the one that’s right for you is essential. For example, selling on Craigslist may cost you a higher ball price, but it will also require more work (taking photos, writing descriptions, etc.). On the other hand, selling to a local pawn shop is much easier, but you’ll probably get less money for your balls. 

If you decide to sell online, you can do a few things to increase your chances of making a sale. First, take clear photos of each ball from multiple angles. Secondly, write detailed descriptions of each ball, including information about weight and color. And finally, be willing to negotiate on price; many buyers will try to lowball you, so it’s essential to avoid getting too attached to any particular asking price. 

There are a few places where you can sell used bowling balls locally. This blog post told you about the best places to sell used bowling balls and how to get the most money. So if you’ve got old bowling balls taking up space in your garage, now is the time to declutter and make some extra cash!

How and Where to Donate Bowling Balls 

It’s a question we’ve all asked ourselves at one point or another: where can I donate bowling balls? The answer is more complex than you might think. But never fear! In this blog post, we’ll break down everything you need to know about donating your unwanted bowling balls.

Why You Should Donate Bowling Balls 

Before we get into the nitty-gritty of how and where to donate bowling balls, let’s take a step back and talk about why you should donate them in the first place. For starters, bowling balls are not cheap. A decent-quality ball can cost anywhere from $50 to $200. That’s a lot of money just sitting around collecting dust in your basement or garage! Furthermore, most people only need one or two bowling balls at a time. Unless you’re a professional bowler, there’s no need to have more than that. So why not put your unwanted balls to good use by donating them to someone who can use them?

Where to Donate Bowling Balls 

Now that we’ve discussed why you should donate your bowling balls let’s get into the how. The first step is finding a local organization that accepts donated bowling balls. A quick Google search will likely turn up a few options in your area. If not, you can always contact your local bowling alley and ask if they know of any organizations that accept donations. Once you’ve found an organization that accepts donations, drop off your ball (or balls), and you’re done! Easy peasy. 

Do Bowling Alleys Sanitize the Balls?

Yes, but the process is not 100 percent effective.  A 2002 study by the University of Florida found that about 82 percent of bowling balls were free of bacteria. However, the remaining 18 percent still had significant bacteria levels, including E. coli. In part because of this study, many bowling alleys now require players to use disposable gloves when they bowl.

Can You Put a Bowling Ball in The Garbage?

In theory, yes. However, most municipalities have regulations prohibiting certain materials from being placed in landfills. For example, several cities do not allow glass to be placed in landfills because it can easily break and contaminate the environment. Likely, bowling balls would also fall into this category and be prohibited from being placed in landfills.

What Are Bowling Balls Worth?

Several factors can affect the value of bowling balls, including their age, weight, and condition. Generally, older and heavier bowling balls are worth more than newer and lighter ones. And naturally, the more wear and tear a bowling ball has endured, the less valuable it is.

Are Old Bowling Balls Still Good?

It depends on several factors, such as the condition of the bowling ball, the type of lane surface it will be used on, and the bowler’s unique preferences and style. That being said, in general, old bowling balls can still be good if they are well-maintained and in good condition. Newer bowling balls tend to have more aggressive surfaces that can provide more hook potential for advanced bowlers, while older bowling balls often have more stability and tend to roll straighter. So it depends on what you are looking for in a bowling ball.


 So there you have it – everything you need to know about donating old bowling balls. Donating your bowling balls is a great way to help others and eliminate unnecessary clutter in your home. And with the money saved on purchasing new bowling balls, you can even treat yourself to something special! So do your part today by donating your old bowling balls.