Why Are Bowling Balls Heavy: The Physics of Bowling

Do you ever wonder why bowling balls heavy? It seems like a simple question, but the answer is quite complex. In this blog post, we will explore the physics of bowling balls and discuss why they are so heavy. We will also look at some of the different factors that affect their weight. So if you’re curious about bowling balls, make sure to keep reading!

Why Are Bowling Balls Heavy?

If you’ve ever been to a bowling alley, you know that bowling balls can be quite heavy. But have you ever wondered why they’re so heavy? Here’s a quick explanation.

The weight of a bowling ball is regulated by the United States Bowling Congress (USBC). As of now, the maximum weight for a bowling ball is 16 pounds (7.3 kg). The minimum weight is 10 pounds (4.5 kg). A heavier ball will usually result in more pin action, but it will be more difficult to control. A lighter ball will be easier to control but will not generate as much pin action. 

The weight of a bowling ball also affects its size. The USBC has a maximum circumference of 27 inches (68.58 cm). The minimum circumference is 21 inches (53.34 cm). A larger ball will usually be easier to control but will not roll as smoothly on the lane. A smaller ball will roll more smoothly on the lane but will be more difficult to control. 

There are also different types of bowling balls with different weights and sizes. For example, there are balls designed specifically for use by children or by people with hand size issues. There are also balls designed for use in specific lane conditions, such as oily or dry lanes. 

What Makes Bowling Balls Heavy?

Bowling balls are made of a hard plastic material called polyester. The core of the ball is made of a material called rubber. The coverstock is the outer layer of the ball that comes in contact with the lane. Coverstocks can be made of different materials, such as urethane or reactive resin.

Coverstocks can be made of different materials, such as urethane or reactive resin. Urethane bowling balls were once the industry standard, but they have since been replaced by reactive resin balls. Reactive resin bowling balls have a more porous surface, which allows them to grip the lane better and create more hook potential.

The core is the innermost layer of the ball and is generally made of rubber. The size and shape of the core affect the ball’s overall weight and balance. The heavier the core, the more weight the ball will have. The size and shape of the core also affect how much hook potential the ball will have.

Bowling balls are typically finished with a polished surface to make them more resistant to dirt and oil build-up on the lane. A bowling ball that is too dirty will not be able to grip the lane properly and will not hook as much as it should.

Is a Heavy Ball Better in Bowling?

Many bowlers believe that using a heavy ball gives them an advantage. After all, a heavier ball will have more momentum and therefore be more likely to knock down all the pins. However, there are also some drawbacks to using a heavy ball. Let’s take a look at some of the pros and cons so you can decide for yourself if a heavy ball is right for you.


  1. More Momentum – A heavier ball will have more momentum, which means it is more likely to stay on course and knock down all the pins. 
  2. More Power – A heavier ball will also have more power behind it, which can be helpful if you are trying to bowl a strike. 
  3. Greater Control – Some bowlers find that they have greater control over a heavier ball. This is because the extra weight makes it easier to keep the ball straight as it moves down the lane. 


  1. Harder to Handle – A heavier ball can be harder to handle, especially if you are not used to bowling with one. This can lead to inaccurate throws and fewer strikes overall. 
  2. Increased Risk of Injury – While not common, there is an increased risk of injury when using a heavy ball due to the added stress on your arm and shoulder. 
  3. More Expensive – Heavier balls are often more expensive than lighter ones, so you’ll need to factor that into your budget if you decide to use one. 

There are many pros and cons to using a heavy ball in bowling. Ultimately, the decision comes down to personal preference and what works best for your style of play. If you are looking for more power and control, then a heavy ball may be right for you. However, if you find it difficult to handle a heavier ball or are worried about injuring yourself, then you may want to stick with a lighter one. Whichever you choose, make sure to practice so that you can get the most out of your game!

Do Pro Bowlers Use Heavy Balls?

In some sports, a heavier ball can be advantageous. For example, in cricket, the heavier ball is more difficult to hit and stays in the air longer, making it harder for the batsman to hit it away. In golf, a heavy ball would travel further because of its increased momentum. However, in sports such as tennis or basketball, a lighter ball would be easier to control and faster moving. In some sports, a heavier ball can be advantageous. For example, in cricket, the heavier ball is more difficult to hit and stays in the air longer, making it harder for the batsman to hit it away. In golf, a heavy ball would travel further because of its increased momentum. However, in sports such as tennis or basketball, a lighter ball would be easier to control and faster moving.

Can You Make a Bowling Ball Lighter?

There are a few methods that could be used to make a bowling ball lighter. One method would be to remove some of the weight from the ball. This can be done by drilling out material from the ball’s core or by machining off some of the surface material. Another method would be to add a light material, such as foam, to the outside of the ball. This would also reduce the weight of the ball.

Is It Better to Have a Light or Heavy Bowling Ball?

It depends on your preference. Heavier bowling balls are more difficult to lift and control, but they travel a greater distance and are more difficult to knock over pins. Lighter bowling balls are easier to lift and control, but they do not travel as far and are easier to knock over pins.

Is It Better to Use a Lighter Bowling Ball?

It depends on the weight of the ball and your strength. If the ball is too light, you will not be able to generate enough power to knock down the pins. If the ball is too heavy, you will not be able to control it properly and you may end up throwing a gutter ball.


So, there you have it! That’s why bowling balls are heavy. Now that you know the answer to this question, you can impress your friends next time you’re at the bowling alley!